Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Undated Poem

I want to apologize for the content of this poem.  It's from my second notebook, which dates from 2002-2003.  I don't know why I would write such a poem, but it is not based on reality (at least for me).

She sits and waits by the phone,
Waiting for love to come by.
Waiting in vain, 
Waiting for someone who will not come.

She has loved him for ages.
Loved him for all the wrong reasons.
She is lonely,
He makes her feel whole.

Yet no matter how many times
he pounds his fist into her face,
No matter how much he hurts her,
She stays with him because he says,
"I love you."


Wave Wanderer said...

You're a good writer :)

Minted Magazine

Colleen said...

Thank you for the kind compliment.