Monday, April 16, 2012

A Poem I Wrote When I Was 20

Oh, god it's going to suck. I wrote it for a story. A fan-fic of all things, about Josh Groban.  Please excuse the possible crap of it. I post this strictly for the amusement it will bring me.

Who moves through life with beauty and grace,
Always carrying a smile upon her face?
Who touches me with a gentleness all her own,
Without a frown or groan?

Who loves me no matter what I do,
Or who is beside me,
Because she knows I think of her only?

She is my fire,
My ice,
My hope,
My dreams.
And even though it seems as if
We are separated too much;
It is only with one touch,
One breath, one kiss,
That our souls reconnect again.

Who, is this  goddess without a name?
Only two words sum up this elusive rhyme.

My wife.

Written January 27, 2004.

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