Saturday, April 6, 2013

I Wrote This Last Month

He breathed life into her cold soul,
Setting free the demons that had plagued her.
In his eyes, she saw a new beginning.
In his hands, she found heaven.
And in his arms, she found solace.
His lips sought hers,
Tormenting and caressing
Until they could no longer.
Warm kisses exchanged hastily,
As though the last may come too fast.
She laid her head against his breast,
Whispering her secrets to his heart.
He whispered secrets into her hair,
Breathing the fragrant softness with his soul.
He touched her heart
and broke it without much thought.
She stood atop blackened cliffs
Beaten by the angered waves.
Lightning flashed,
And the rain pelted her reddened eyes.
She walked in shadow,
Searching corners for her love.
He had stolen her heart,
And she wanted it back.
For an eternity, she sought it.
She begged him to return it,
But he claimed he had lost it.
Bitter tears stung her eyes,
And angry words bit her tongue.
“You once loved me,” she said.
“You once whispered your love to me.”
She stood before him;
Barren, lost, and hurt.
“I thought I loved you.
I whispered naught those secrets you claim.”
He stood defiantly before her,
Smiling wickedly.
She turned away, walking amongst the light,
With their lively hearts.
“I have lost you, mon coeur.”
Haunted by memories,
She shall ever be.
What once was,
And what will never be again.
She closed off to the world,
A daughter of the black.

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