Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Opinion--From 2009

I wrote this about California before I moved back here.  My opinions really haven't changed much, even living 30 minutes from San Francisco.

I thought as the authoress of this page, I would say a little something off the subject of writing depressing poetry, and address the new status of America.
As many people of the world are aware of, the United States has a new President. He is not a white fascist pig. Instead, he is an African-American male with a Muslim background. Our 44th President is a man marked with an awesomely varied past, and a strong will to bring change to a country whose ideals have gone the way of not-so-righteousness.
And with this change, there are going to be people whose views are going to be tarnished, and fucked up. It has been my opinion that these people are mostly (not all) from the Bible Belt or California.
The subject of California's beliefs have been broached many times in my MySpace blog, usually referring to the blindness of the world around me. I was led to believe that Cali was this idealistic state, this place that all people wanted to live in, a place where you could have liberal people live, and where we fought for our beliefs. This was my constant thought until last year, when Gay Rights came into question. With the State Supreme court overturning some constitutional ban against Gay marriage, therefore allowing the Gay/Lesbian community to marry. People who I believed to share the same thoughts as I, proved otherwise.
Suddenly, these "opinions" began being thrust into my face, and I could no longer hide behind this fake facade I created in California's image. I have lost a few friends to this cause. Because I believe in Obama's message, because I am against radical war-mongering, because I am for the right for two people of the same sex to marry; I lost a friend or two along the way.
It does not cut me, it does not make me blue. What it makes me is sad. Sad for the person who is so blinded by their religious beliefs that they cannot see their beliefs are sometimes wrong, and I am sad that they will not contribute to this new change that is ever-growing.
But, who needs antagonistic little fuckers like them?

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