Friday, January 27, 2012

An Explanation

I said in a previous post that I would post the history of this guy and myself the next day.  Well, I had.  And it had gone live on my blog.  But I felt it wasn't right airing the dirty laundry of our past, so I deleted the posts.  And I am not sure if I will ever post anything about our past, and why I was so messed up with a guy breaking it off after only two dates.

What I will say, is this: I was 22, young, and very inexperienced. I learned from my past experiences, and I wouldn't repeat the same actions again.  And I won't let myself get as crazy mad for any guy that quick again.  Because like I had told myself after he said I was beautiful, this could go nowhere or end badly.

So that's all I might say on this subject.

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